
Wednesday 22 May 2024

Watching post

 This will not be a long post, just sufficient to allow me use the ULR so that I can welcome Sarah to the post of major domo of WOYWW.

I am still making cards, but life is very busy at present so I am spending a lot of time looking after Adrian who has been unwell, which means I may not be able to respond to comments promptly.

Just sharing a pic of card made for grandson’s birthday.

Have a great WOYWW day


Wednesday 19 May 2021


Hi Woywwers! I'm here for the Anniversary but I haven't managed to create any ATCs. I'm actually finding lockdown, although I know technically we are no longer in lockdown, a time of achieving very little. I have managed the essential cards, but I'm finding it really hard to get motivated to do anything except the essential.

However, my desk: well I took this picture of a typically messy desk, lots of stuff, but nothing very exciting, a couple of those cards that you get so far with and then can't find the right paper to continue, the right colour ribbon or just don't like when it is done. The blue bit at the fron, it a piece I embossed about 5 years ago and still haven't decided what to do with it.

Having shared the boring worktop, I thought I would share the view out of the window behind, unfortunately just as I positioned myself to get a good picture, it started raining, so there are rain drops on the window, but much more important, I have sheep outside my window! Lovely, lovely sheep that remind me of Wales.

And the birds refused to co-operate on the bird feeder for the camera.






 Then I looked back at my desk and found I had a visitor there to help me not make cards.

So that's me I am afraid, nothing exciting happening, but I couldn't miss the twelfth anniversary.

Thanks for visiting me, I will try to visit people this week, but it might be rather later that Wednesday.

Bless you all


Tuesday 16 February 2021

WOYWW 611, coming together to share.

 Hello, fellow Woywwers, a long time since I blogged, but felt I needed to be part of the 'family' as we grieve for the loss of a very special member of our WOYWW community. Shaz Silverwolf was such a vibrant member of the group, and she always had lovely comments to make on my posts, such an encourager. So many times I have read her posts and been inspired to try something new, a different way of using something I already have, or prompted to spend real money and buy something new, my crafting horizons were opened up by reading her posts and trying something different. And her posts always had a humorous element, so honest and unassuming and just down to earth, nothing pretentious.

 I only met her at a couple crops, but she was just so warm and friendly, it felt as if I'd known her for years, an amazing personality and a larger than life lovely lady and now the world and the crafting community are going to be poorer places without her.

A lovely picture of her at the Llandudno crop, we will miss her very much.

So the order of the day is What's on your Worktop Wednesday, and here you can see my worktop, Tuesday evening to be honest, with some very lovely goodies

  A smashing set of freebies from a papercraft magazine, can't remember which one, but there are, I thinnk, 7 dies, 8 masks and about 10 sheets of stamps from Craftascope.  I quite frequently go on the magazine websites and enter the competitions for the freebies, and this is the second time I have won something really good. (Previously, about 5 years ago, I won my Gemini, in a similar way, just lurking at the right of the picture.)


 I'm not sure I will use all of the stamps and masks, some of them are definitely not my cup of tea, rather grungy, but I expect I will find a home for them somewhere.

So, in case you have just dropped in at my blog, and wondering what it is all about, you can find a lot more crafty desks to snoop at, over at the lovely Julia's Stamping ground.

Bless you all



Wednesday 12 August 2020


 Well several weeks have gone by since I managed to post, either the days have gone by to fast, or the Mojo has been AWOL, or I have been too busy helping with the new bathroom, however the new bathroom is finished at last.

The desk is cluttered with the makings of Christmas cards, but I have to say the Mojo is still not co-operating with the need to do something.

And this was a picture taken on my walk on Monday evening. sadly the camera on my phone is not brilliant at sunset pictures.

and finally,  this is a birthday card I made for a friend's 60th birthday a couple of week's ago. It is carefully posed in front of a picture she painted for us when we lived in North Wales, brilliant artist she is, as are all her family.

So that's me for a few weeks, too hot and bothered to do very much.

Thanks for dropping in


Wednesday 8 July 2020


Well, another Wednesday has come and gone since I last posted, they keep sneaking up on me, and suddenly it is Thursday after Tuesday and I seem to miss Wednesday altogether.
I have very little on the card desk, barely been there for a week, instead I received a very heavy parcel before the weekend,  containing 2 curtains 4m wide and 4 m long and a request from my daughter to  make 8 curtains, 2m by 1.7m.
Have taken original curtains apart, and have all 8 ready for tape, but of course, I am now waiting for tape to arrive.
I currently only have enough tape for one pair.
In the meantime,  I have also been kept busy trying to prevent the house disappearing under dust as Adrian is busy converting a small shower room into a small utility room, and the larger utility room into a decent size bathroom.

So this will be a small utility room

  And this will be a bathroom


by the end of next Wednesday,  or that's the theory.
So that's all from me this week, 
Just time to refer you to desk queen Julia who hosts all our crafty desks, do visit her to find lots more exciting desks to snoop at.
Thanks for dropping by

Tuesday 16 June 2020


Quick post today lovely deskers, just to show the finished Robot
  And my desk, untouched for four days after I made some cards similar to the ones Shaz Silverwolfwas sharing, but not as good as hers.

And our pot grown Christmas tree looking absolutely beautiful as it puts on new growth 
Do go and visit desk Magister Julia at her stamping ground to check out more crafty desks
And this is where I guiltily confess that I am unlikely to be able to do much visiting today as I have a lot of plants to put in the garden, and my sewing desk is loaded with a pile of scrubs bags I promised to deliver tomorrow and they are not finished because I have been helping hubby sort out windows for the new bathroom !! So I will be digging and sewing today, and not snooping on your desks!
See you all Thursday, thanks for dropping in

Tuesday 9 June 2020


It's Wednesday again!! They keep galloping around, and I can't keep up. First of all, I need to apologise to all those lovelies who commented on my page last week, that I didn't get round to many desks, somehow every time I tried to get back to the computer, Sir required my muscles or a hand or a brain!!! to help him with drains, or ordering stuff for the new bathroom. The plumber is  not coming to install everything until July 16th but my man will be demolishing the utility room weeks before if I am not alert to stop him.
So my desk
There is the beginning of a robot card for a soon to be 5 great nephew, and some Christmas stamps from Julia, and various bits of detritus left from previous card making.
Last week I shared that I had to make a card for another great nephew and lacked ideas, I cheated, rang my sister who said that during lockdown young Carl had enjoyed playing chess against his dad, rather him than me, I think his dad would have check mated me in about 3 moves. I am sure I took a picture of it before I put the card in the post, but can't find it on either my phone or my tablet . 
So why am I blathering on here, all part of an amazing crafty desk share hosted by the wonderful Julia. She has been hosting it for eleven years and more, so well worth a visit.
That's all for me today, bless you for visiting